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Let's Keep Councilmember Clint Weirick!

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It's Been My Pleasure to Serve as Your Community Councilmember

I'm Working Hard So You Can Live Your Daily Life With Peace of Mind

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Your Homegrown and Hometown

City Councilmember Serving You

Hello! I’m Clint Weirick currently serving as your Grover Beach City Councilmember born, raised, and living here in Grover Beach for almost all of my life. I am deeply rooted in our community having attended our local schools, enjoyed its beautiful beaches and weather, and participated in many local civic, educational, and nonprofit organizations such as the Grover City Grange, Lions Club, Rotary Club, and PTA to name a few.

While serving as part of your Grover Beach City Council, I have devoted myself to help further better our community. I have worked collaboratively with the other City Councilmembers, city staff, businesses, nonprofits, and most importantly our residents to help craft and pass important decisions. I’m on the Five Cities Fire Authority as Vice Chair working with your firefighters and Fire Chief to improve our emergency services. In recent years, I had also served on the South County Chambers of Commerce Governmental Affairs Committee as Co-Chair to help to support our local businesses.

I am running to be your District 4 Community Council Member to continue to better our community, further promote a heightened quality of life, and give you a peace of mind while you live your everyday life. I will continue to fight and work hard to ensure the completion of fixing our streets, support our residents' affordability and local businesses, and advance public safety.
             Public Safety:
                         -It’s inevitable that problems will arise in every community. If elected, I will continue to work to advance our emergency services. While on the City Council, we’ve hired both our new Police Chief and Fire Chief, seen a reduction in crime, and maintained positive community relationships. I’m proud to have the endorsements of both the Five Cities Firefighter Association and our San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkison*.
                         -If elected, I will continue to work to ensure that our voter approved Measure K-14 funds will continue to make progress to improve our residential streets. I will make sure that road development continues on schedule and in great condition.
                         -Times are tough with high inflation and our residents' income that hasn’t kept up, which is why while on the City Council I’ve voted against excessive rate increases and even led on the City Council to successful vote to reduce the water rates to support our residents’ affordability. I’ll continue to support growing our middle class and help those who struggle financially. Having spent most of my life in Grover Beach, I have grown to love our local businesses. If elected, I will continue to work to ensure that our local businesses are supported with their ability to grow and economically prosper in this economy.


*Title listed for identification purposes only.




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